Archive for the ‘Funny Stuff’ Category

Okay people. Here we are, finally on the threshold of breaking into the double digits, and it’s time to get excited, because I’m about to crank it up to a whole new level of awesome. For this monumental post, I’m going to take you on a whirlwind journey…

To the past.

It was an uncommonly warm fall day in October 2010 – score one for global warming! – and I found myself immersed in the great time-sucking wonder that is YouTube. Flipping through my subscriptions I saw a new video posted by one of my favorite channels. I watched it 3 or 4 times, marveling at how simultaneously funny, adorable, silly, sweet and downright awesome it was, then went back for the 400th time and rewatched all of their other videos. While doing so I found myself thinking: DAMN, this is TOTALLY AWESOME. I wish I had a forum in which to express how TOTALLY FREAKING AWESOME this is. If only I had a space in which to publicly geek out about this and all the other TOTALLY AWESOME things I come across on a daily basis…

And thus, a blog was born. And it was totally awesome.

That channel belonged to a fabulous duo of ladies who go by Powerfox and Ponymane, also known as Jackie Tohn (Powerfox) and Jes Hudak (Ponymane). Yes, Jes Hudak of the best albums of 2010, this phenomenal video, and my constant yammering about how totally awesome she is. Anyway, Powerfox and Ponymane are two hilarious, gorgeous and extraordinarily talented singer-songwriters, both of whom have – as Ron Swanson would say – stared into the eye of Satan’s butthole, and taken on the tempest of woe that is American Idol.

I suppose that this is the point at which I admit that while I generally only watch scripted television as a rule, I do make one major exception, and that is American Idol. Why? Because despite what haters who want to hate might say, it is totally awesome. Granted, sometimes on Idol TPTB and/or the American public make frustratingly bad decisions. For instance, Jes Hudak made it past the auditions and was cut in the group rounds in Hollywood back in season 5, though she was never shown (I would know, I watched that season particularly closely – yeeeah POREH). Jackie Tohn made it all the way through to the voting rounds in season 8 but fell victim to the uberdumb Top 36 format and never really got a proper chance. But it’s just as well because if they had made it, we wouldn’t have Powerfox and Ponymane!

I first came across Powerfox and Ponymane last winter when they began to create weekly videos during the final Idol rounds in which they mirrored the themes of the week with their own fabulous renditions of pop songs. In doing so they ended up putting the actual Idol contestants to shame because – with the exception of the endlessly awesome Siobhan Magnus – Power and Pony were more entertaining and better singers than any of them. Yep, I said it. Judge for yourself:

American Idol Season 9 Winner Lee DeWyze, Inspirational Songs:

Powerfox and Ponymane, Inspirational Songs:

No, okay, sorry, I’m not going to hate, this blog is a hater-free zone! Instead let’s focus on PnP and some of their other standouts from the Idol weeks, like Elvis Week:

Sinatra Week:

Shania Twain Week: (or not)

Judges’ Choice Week:

and they already kicked off the new season last week with a fabtastic tribute to the new judges:

Some of their best stuff has been outside of Idol though, like these:

Raise your hand if you’re in wuv! Oh look, my hand is in the air!

So there she is, the big 1-0, and I am SO beyond psyched to finally, officially shout to the world that



Sunday Funnies 1/23/11

Posted: January 23, 2011 in Funny Stuff

Thanks/credit for this week’s funny go to the illustrious queen of all things totally awesome; Dame Sophia B:


Sunday Funnies 1/16/11

Posted: January 16, 2011 in Funny Stuff

This week’s funny via the kick-ass and always funny Ms. Stacie Ponder:


Sunday Funnies 1/9/11

Posted: January 9, 2011 in Funny Stuff

Best. Idea. Ever.

ps: if anyone actually solved the Velvet Underground clue, you are TOTALLY AWESOME.

Shwhaaa? Bam.

#2: Garfunkel and Oates

Posted: November 18, 2010 in Funny Stuff

You know when you see a penny on the ground and you think “Ooh, score!” and go to pick it up and underneath it is something REALLY awesome, like a small dinosaur robot wearing a teeny-tiny Boyz II Men t-shirt? Well, that is essentially what just happened to me. I was getting ready to write this second entry of awesomeness on a new Fox show called Raising Hope (which is totally awesome, by the way, and I plan to get back to it eventually) but in the course of my research I found myself gravitating toward clips of the completely adorable Ms. Kate Micucci as Shelly, the (formerly) snaggle-toothed day care worker who takes care of baby Hope:

You might know Kate better from her turn on Scrubs as ‘The Gooch’; Ted’s supercute soulmate from the last season (let’s just pretend that weird 9th season thing didn’t count, okay?):

You also might know her from the recent Kristen Bell romcom When In Rome. I don’t know, I never saw it, looked to me like another case of the recent pop culture epidemic known as good-actors-making-bad-movies-itis. So anyway, I started wondering, who is this Kate Micucci character? Where did she come from? What is she all about? And oh my god you guys. Are you ready for this? Kate Micucci was an art major in college with a focus on puppet-making. She has since been a clown, a sandcastle-building instructor and spent some time watering banana and pineapple plants in Hawaii. Oh yeah, and she’s also a comedian and musician (and kazoo enthisiast to boot!). Kate Micucci, ladies and gentlemen: now featured in the dictionary under BAMF.

By now you’re probably thinking “Wow! Kate Micucci is TOTALLY AWESOME! What could possibly be better?” Well let me tell you what’s better: the musical-comedy DUO of Kate Micucci and Riki Lindhome, also known as Garfunkel and Oates!

Before this I didn’t know Riki by name, but I immediately recognized her from various memorable and hilarious roles on such totally awesome shows as Buffy, Pushing Daisies, The Big Bang Theory, and the woefully-short-lived-but-totally-awesome Girltrash! The Webseries (which OH MY GOD, apparently is being made into a movie. SHWHAAAAT??).

Garfunkel and Oates formed in 2007 and they’ve since done a whole lot of performing and been featured all over the place, so much so that I actually can’t believe I’m only finding them now! They released an EP last year called Music Songs (album cover featured above) and this EP as well as the single for their song Present Face are available for download on iTunes. The EP is also available for purchase on their website;, along with some other sweet merch, including a selection of G&O kazoos that, I’m not going to lie, I kind of wish I owned in every color.

All of their music and a selection of spectacular music videos are featured on Riki’s YouTube page: I would highly recommend checking them out there first, because hello, they’re a musical-COMEDY duo, you’ve got to watch them perform! Also, they’re supercute. You should probably just watch everything on there, I have, but I’ll give you my 5 favorites to start with:

***oooh, I nearly forgot the dislaimer: as adorable as these ladies are, the vast majority of their material is NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN! Adult language and content abounds!***

1)Running With Chicken (Based on the movie Precious based on the novel Push by Sapphire).

Warning: this video contains keytar and the special effects might actually blow your mind.

2)This Party Took a Turn for the Douche. (If nothing else, you must at least skip to 2:28. And then 3:50.)

Word to your face. And your mother.

3)Sex With Ducks. By their own explanation this song is “in response to a Pat Robertson quote that legalizing gay marriage would lead to legalizing sex with ducks.”

4)Weed Card. Hilarious and educational!

5)Present Face. The song is so awesome it almost overshadows the sheer volume of totally awesome people in the video.

okay, I know I said 5, but I just couldn’t leave this next one off:

6) Pregnant Women are Smug. Oh yes, they went there.

So there you have it again, Garfunkel and Oates: TOTALLY AWESOME.
